Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tim White - Yawkey Hall of Fame!

Tim White - McKay Club Beacons Enters YBL Hall of Fame!
Tim White was a pure hitter. In Little League, Babe Ruth, RBI, the Yawkey League - Tim made pitchers scratch their heads every day. A pure sweet swinger from the left hand side of the plate.
His 10 years in the Yawkey League will be remembered as the leading Designated Hitter on a very talented McKay Club which he led to the Championship Finals in 1998 & 2000. Tim's teams were at or near the top of the Tarpey Conference each summer. Baseball was always fun for this gifted young man.
He was the league leading hitter 4 times from the time he joined the YBL at 17 years of age. The last time Tim won that batting title was 2004 with his Savin Hill neighborhood team.Although he drifted away from the McKay Club for two years, Tim came home to complete the cycle and his stroried career.
He left baseball to care for his real pride in life his new family. Time White HITTER is inducted pridfully into the Hall Of Fame by his McKay Club team mates and admiring opponents this evening.


cuz stu said...

Dave, I know that I wasn't able to attend the dinner till the very end of the shindig, but, I did walk in while Tim White was into his acceptance speech and it was marvelous. It was great to see everyone from the league in their Monkey Suits in an official capacity. I felt very cool as the Comcast representative. I just wish I could've been there earlier. Great show once again, Dave. Mazel Tov, Cousin Stu.

Rich Brothers said...

I just wanted to check in to say I love the blog. Please keep it up. It's a great way for us retired YBL players to keep up with what's going on.

Good Day!
